Thursday, 28 June 2012


WHAT IF the success of someone somewhere depends on yours?
WHAT IF your breakthrough is tied to someone else's?
WHAT IF you are born into your family so that you can break those generational limits?
WHAT IF God gave you your current influence so as to expose your community to development and or investors?
WHAT IF God created you just for the purpose of leading this country to her promised land?
WHAT IF you are the discoverer that the world have been waiting for?
WHAT IF your philosophies are those needed to open the eyes of several ignorant individuals?
WHAT IF what you termed 'irrelevant idea' is relevant enough to solve your problem?
WHAT IF all you need to be a multi-millionaire is right at your disposal?
WHAT IF that person you look down on is actually your benefactor?
WHAT IF someone out there slept hungry yesternight because you were not kind enough to give?
WHAT IF God gave you all you presently possess so that you can help others get out of poverty?
WHAT IF those policies you 'imposed' on your followers are inflicting pain on them?
WHAT IF you are treated the way you treat those before you by those coming after you?
WHAT IF you are the missing rib of that man you treat with so much contempt?
WHAT IF the lady whose heart you broke is meant to be the mother of your children?
WHAT IF that action you've always neglected and rebuffed is supposed to be your springboard?
WHAT IF tomorrow -your proposed start up time- never come?
WHAT IF the person you trust so much jilts you?
WHAT IF the person you've been looking up to disappoints you?
WHAT IF you never have a second chance to confess and forsake your sin?
WHAT IF you couldn't live long enough to take the next breath?
WHAT IF death or Jesus comes now?

"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, THINK ON THESE THINGS." Philipians 4:8(KJV)

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