Thursday, 31 May 2012


In one of his messages, Pastor E A Adeboye said there is someone in the congregation who had been involved in several killings. He said such a person should stand up because God has decided to forgive him/her. All he did was say some words of prayer for 'those' who stood up.
Mind you lives have been wasted. The life of a potential lawyer is probably one of them. The bread winner of a family might have been a victim. One of those who got killed is possibly destined to positively affect the whole world. Several potentials ended untapped.
Sincerely, if I were God; I'll make a public show of the merciless and shameful death that will be the lot of these murderers. But, who am I to question God. His judgement is final.
Won't it therefore be wise to secure oneself from these unscrupulous and ruthless elements? Will you consider hidding from them an act of cowardice? To make matters worst, these people are everywhere. Changing location is certainly not the answer. Where do we then hide?
If you ask me, I'll suggest a hide out. It's right about the safest place anyone can be. No witch, no assasin, no individual, no power of darkness can penetrate the place. It is so fortified that no opponent dares it.
The place is called 'the secret place of the most high'. Anyone residing here is automatically under the shadow of the Almighty God and you know where shadow stays right? It's always beside its owner.
God has opened his arms wide enough to contain everyone who accept his offer of love. And like a mother hen, he broods over and protect his own from these 'hawks'. As for me; I refuse to be wasted, join me please!
All you need do is confess your sins to God and ask that He forgives and cleanse you. Promise to do his good will henceforth. I want to welcome you to 'the secret place of the most high if you've genuinely did that! Stay right here to maintain your safety. Go to the nearest Bible-believing church and associate with them, it will help keep you under the shadow of the Almighty.

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