Wednesday, 10 August 2011


I might not be sleeping on water bed but I am not on a hospital bed;
I might not be eating the best food but I am not eating swine’s feed;
I might not be drinking expensive wine but I’m not been rehydrated with drip;
I might not be driving the latest car but I’m not been driven in a wheelchair;
I might not be living in the best residence but the grave is not housing me;
I might not have money to buy my basic needs but I am not carrying a sickness that money cannot cure;
I might not own a piece of land but I have peace of mind;
I might not be able to tour distant countries but I am not been led to wherever I want to go;
I might not be heard all over the world but I do not have to gesticulate my statements;
I might not be the richest but I am assured of a golden mansion in Heaven.

All thanks to God, the giver of life! He who can kill or make alive at will! To some, he gives riches and to some, wishes! His judgement, no one can fault! Present everywhere but never seen! The most merciful yet, the fieriest! He whose smile brings about the dawning of the day! But for the sacrifice of His son, who are we to stand before his throne! Reaching out to mankind for fellowship even when we are His creatures! Watching over us through the night is His pleasure! In the safe hollow of His hand do we have our existence! HIS BANNER OVER US IS …LOVE!!!

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