Examination has been a common word in the society that most people can hardly give a correct explanation of what it is all about in terms of its meaning, purpose and what one stand to gain after going through with it. Exam according to Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary means “a formal written, spoken or practical test, especially at school or college, to see how much you know about a subject or what you can do”
God, our creator, is as well the originator of exam. This is proven when He wants to see Adam show the wisdom He (God) had given to man by naming what He had created “…to see what he would call them…” Gen. 2:19. He also gave Noah dimension of what He called an Ark and specific instruction on how to construct it leaving Noah to do the practical test (Gen. 6: 14-16). I will of course not need to tell you how God examined Abraham’s faith in him (Gen. 22:1-2). There are so many other places where God tested man and even where men test themselves as in Daniel 1:18-19. King Nebuchadnezzar examined the young men he asked Asphenaz to train. Oh! The list is endless but the action point is that God started and approves examination.
When you come to think of it, you will agree with me that God could have provided the needed ark overnight but did not because He knew Noah will be alone with his family after the flood implying that he will be very hard working to cater for the task by him being able to do the laborious task of constructing the ark. He actually succeeded and God commended him (Gen. 7:1), rewarded him (Gen. 9:1-3) and he never come short of God’s expectation of catering for the survivors (Gen. 9:20)
The purpose of taking exam is still the same as that of old. It has since been for testing how much we know about a particular subject, for testing what we will do in a particular situation and of course for commending, rewarding and promoting those who had done at least averagely well. It is for our own good after all i.e. when you sit an exam and pass, your knowledge about the subject has automatically improved, and you are rewarded, that’s awesome, innit?
Unfortunately, the purpose of taking exam had been perverted and flawed by some of us. Some now engage in all sorts of illegal acts to pass exam especially now that you have to take series of exam as a way of progress. People now buy questions and result, they now pay others to sit for them, some even sell their bodies for good result not to mention cheating in exam hall which is now the order of the day. That’s why you see graduates who cannot defend the certificates they have, that’s why you see fake and substandard products all over the places, that’s why there are mass unemployment (not in all cases though), that’s why some who did well enough to be rewarded are not, that’s why… that’s why… that’s why…
When you fail to fulfill the purpose for which something is created when you are engaged in it, then you are an offender, a sinner and God’s enemy. Imagine yourself making enemy with your creator. So many have done it and are successful you may think “don’t worry about the wicked or envy those who do wrong” Ps37:1 (NLT). They may not be punished instantaneously as God did to Sapphira (Acts 5:8-9) or punished by examiners, it may start by them feeling guilty whenever using the result they got through dubious means, they may even be faced with the situation that they have earlier on been tested on but unable to cope because they cut corners when tested. The truth is, there will always be consequences.
You can be free from guilt and make amendments by confessing it as a sin to God (that’s if you’ve indulge in any kind of malpractice before) and be rest assured that God is always ready to forgive. Now see exam in god’s own way. Whenever you to sit an exam tell God about it and then sit down and count the cost (Luke 14:28), know all you need for the success of the exam in other words plan not forgetting God in your plans. Start working towards your plans and get prepared for the exam. It’s not as easy as that you’ll want to say. Building the Ark is not easy either. But “…the joy of the Lord is your strength Neh.8:10; consider this also that “Each time he said, my grace is all you…” II Cor. 12:9 (NLT). And lastly, before and after exam tell God in prayer that you are fulfilling His will then sit back to see God fight your cause and you’ll come out in flying colours.
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