Monday, 20 June 2011

Are there People doing this to you?

Are there people who have been doing this to you?

May God  Destroy them!!!



Examination has been a common word in the society that most people can hardly give a correct explanation of what it is all about in terms of its meaning, purpose and what one stand to gain after going through with it. Exam according to Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary means “a formal written, spoken or practical test, especially at school or college, to see how much you know about a subject or what you can do”
God, our creator, is as well the originator of exam. This is proven when He wants to see Adam show the wisdom He (God) had given to man by naming what He had created “…to see what he would call them…” Gen. 2:19. He also gave Noah dimension of what He called an Ark and specific instruction on how to construct it leaving Noah to do the practical test (Gen. 6: 14-16). I will of course not need to tell you how God examined Abraham’s faith in him (Gen. 22:1-2). There are so many other places where God tested man and even where men test themselves as in Daniel 1:18-19. King Nebuchadnezzar examined the young men he asked Asphenaz to train. Oh! The list is endless but the action point is that God started and approves examination.
            When you come to think of it, you will agree with me that God could have provided the needed ark overnight but did not because He knew Noah will be alone with his family after the flood implying that he will be very hard working to cater for the task by him being able to do the laborious task of constructing the ark. He actually succeeded and God commended him (Gen. 7:1), rewarded him (Gen. 9:1-3) and he never come short of God’s expectation of catering for the survivors (Gen. 9:20)
            The purpose of taking exam is still the same as that of old. It has since been for testing how much we know about a particular subject, for testing what we will do in a particular situation and of course for commending, rewarding and promoting those who had done at least averagely well. It is for our own good after all i.e. when you sit an exam and pass, your knowledge about the subject has automatically improved, and you are rewarded, that’s awesome, innit?
            Unfortunately, the purpose of taking exam had been perverted and flawed by some of us. Some now engage in all sorts of illegal acts to pass exam especially now that you have to take series of exam as a way of progress. People now buy questions and result, they now pay others to sit for them, some even sell their bodies for good result not to mention cheating in exam hall which is now the order of the day. That’s why you see graduates who cannot defend the certificates they have, that’s why you see fake and substandard products all over the places, that’s why there are mass unemployment (not in all cases though), that’s why some who did well enough to be rewarded are not, that’s why… that’s why… that’s why…
            When you fail to fulfill the purpose for which something is created when you are engaged in it, then you are an offender, a sinner and God’s enemy. Imagine yourself making enemy with your creator. So many have done it and are successful you may think “don’t worry about the wicked or envy those who do wrong” Ps37:1 (NLT). They may not be punished instantaneously as God did to Sapphira (Acts 5:8-9) or punished by examiners, it may start by them feeling guilty whenever using the result they got through dubious means, they may even be faced with the situation that they have earlier on been tested on but unable to cope because they cut corners when tested. The truth is, there will always be consequences.
            You can be free from guilt and make amendments by confessing it as a sin to God (that’s if you’ve indulge in any kind of malpractice before) and be rest assured that God is always ready to forgive. Now see exam in god’s own way. Whenever you to sit an exam tell God about it and then sit down and count the cost (Luke 14:28), know all you need for the success of the exam in other words plan not forgetting God in your plans. Start working towards your plans and get prepared for the exam. It’s not as easy as that you’ll want to say. Building the Ark is not easy either. But “…the joy of the Lord is your strength Neh.8:10; consider this also that “Each time he said, my grace is all you…” II Cor. 12:9 (NLT). And lastly, before and after exam tell God in prayer that you are fulfilling His will then sit back to see God fight your cause and you’ll come out in flying colours.


Examination has been a common word in the society that most people can hardly give a correct explanation of what it is all about in terms of its meaning, purpose and what one stand to gain after going through with it. Exam according to Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary means “a formal written, spoken or practical test, especially at school or college, to see how much you know about a subject or what you can do”
God, our creator, is as well the originator of exam. This is proven when He wants to see Adam show the wisdom He (God) had given to man by naming what He had created “…to see what he would call them…” Gen. 2:19. He also gave Noah dimension of what He called an Ark and specific instruction on how to construct it leaving Noah to do the practical test (Gen. 6: 14-16). I will of course not need to tell you how God examined Abraham’s faith in him (Gen. 22:1-2). There are so many other places where God tested man and even where men test themselves as in Daniel 1:18-19. King Nebuchadnezzar examined the young men he asked Asphenaz to train. Oh! The list is endless but the action point is that God started and approves examination.
            When you come to think of it, you will agree with me that God could have provided the needed ark overnight but did not because He knew Noah will be alone with his family after the flood implying that he will be very hard working to cater for the task by him being able to do the laborious task of constructing the ark. He actually succeeded and God commended him (Gen. 7:1), rewarded him (Gen. 9:1-3) and he never come short of God’s expectation of catering for the survivors (Gen. 9:20)
            The purpose of taking exam is still the same as that of old. It has since been for testing how much we know about a particular subject, for testing what we will do in a particular situation and of course for commending, rewarding and promoting those who had done at least averagely well. It is for our own good after all i.e. when you sit an exam and pass, your knowledge about the subject has automatically improved, and you are rewarded, that’s awesome, innit?
            Unfortunately, the purpose of taking exam had been perverted and flawed by some of us. Some now engage in all sorts of illegal acts to pass exam especially now that you have to take series of exam as a way of progress. People now buy questions and result, they now pay others to sit for them, some even sell their bodies for good result not to mention cheating in exam hall which is now the order of the day. That’s why you see graduates who cannot defend the certificates they have, that’s why you see fake and substandard products all over the places, that’s why there are mass unemployment (not in all cases though), that’s why some who did well enough to be rewarded are not, that’s why… that’s why… that’s why…
            When you fail to fulfill the purpose for which something is created when you are engaged in it, then you are an offender, a sinner and God’s enemy. Imagine yourself making enemy with your creator. So many have done it and are successful you may think “don’t worry about the wicked or envy those who do wrong” Ps37:1 (NLT). They may not be punished instantaneously as God did to Sapphira (Acts 5:8-9) or punished by examiners, it may start by them feeling guilty whenever using the result they got through dubious means, they may even be faced with the situation that they have earlier on been tested on but unable to cope because they cut corners when tested. The truth is, there will always be consequences.
            You can be free from guilt and make amendments by confessing it as a sin to God (that’s if you’ve indulge in any kind of malpractice before) and be rest assured that God is always ready to forgive. Now see exam in god’s own way. Whenever you to sit an exam tell God about it and then sit down and count the cost (Luke 14:28), know all you need for the success of the exam in other words plan not forgetting God in your plans. Start working towards your plans and get prepared for the exam. It’s not as easy as that you’ll want to say. Building the Ark is not easy either. But “…the joy of the Lord is your strength Neh.8:10; consider this also that “Each time he said, my grace is all you…” II Cor. 12:9 (NLT). And lastly, before and after exam tell God in prayer that you are fulfilling His will then sit back to see God fight your cause and you’ll come out in flying colours.


Everybody is created with a purpose. God has a plan for anybody he creates and this of course is not hidden from Devil (the greatest enemy of God’s plan for mankind). He never wants anybody to fulfill God’s plan and to accomplish this He uses pre-marital sex as one of His most potent tool.
Sex before marriage is gradually becoming a social norm that those who don’t do it are much more less than few. You hardly can see ten out of every hundred teenagers between ages fifteen and nineteen who never had sex.
Devil is really using this bait (pre-marital sex) to trauncate the life and destiny of youngsters of nowadays. It baffles me when so-called Christian teens & youth fall into this costly trap, what a pity! Let’s see some example of people whose future never existed, those whose dreams & destiny were marred, those whose hope of becoming great were dashed.
“…And he was more honourable than all the house of his father …And unto Shechem …hearkened all that went out of the gate of his city” (Gen. 34:19, 24). We see here that Prince Shechem was influential and honourable that he could influence and bring the whole of a city to a consensus of his own opinion. (he will surely win any election unopposed in his time). Devil’s awareness to this made Him set this resistible bait for Shechem which the latter fell into willingly. This cost him his life and that of his city men.
Hophni and Phinehas were also victims of this deadly bait (ISam. 2:22b). Priesthood is suppose to be there inheritance as they are to succeed there father; Eli, but because of sexual and other sins, they died prematurely (before their father), they caused the death of their father, the ark of God was taken (ISam. 4:17-18), their lineage stopped being priest and they became accursed (ISam. 2:31-34).
This same strategy was also used to shatter the hope of Prince Amnon (King David’s son) becoming a king. Amnon, as a prince enjoys all kingly benefits –best of education, best residence, king’s meal, royalties exposure and lots more (IISam. 13:4a). He is (as a prince) entitled to the throne but it never happened as pre-marital sex dashed all his hopes.
Though it may seem not to cost anything for Joseph to sleep with his master’s wife, but I tell you, he will end up an unknown slave with all his glorious dreams not realized. Don’t be surprised they may be caught in the very act just as Devil planned. In Gen. 39:11b, it was recorded that nobody was around when Joseph was being seduced by his master’s wife but they all appeared  some few minutes after Joseph fled. This simply implies that they would have being caught peradventure Joseph consented to his master’s wife. Uhm! You know what that means.
Incredibly, venereal diseases nor pregnancy no longer arouses fear for sex in youth. This is largely because Devil and his agent are producing medication, pills and all sorts of things which prevent both. Worst of all is the prophylactic made for both sexes. They are so cheap and common that it is far lees than affordable. Recently in one of the ‘Flava’ Programmes on radio, youths were asked which among Abstinence, Being faithful to ones partner, Condom use and a popular Nigerian artiste which is most populous …though Abstinence won when the artiste himself chose the option, Condom use won with big margin of vote count. Some of the voters were even with Condom(s) in their pockets.
I wonder what would have been of us if Jesus were to be born in our time. I wonder if there will be virgin favoured enough to be His mother.


The fact that nature recognizes the trio nature of Nigeria is proven by these three main phenomenons
-         The division of the nation into three by Rivers Niger and Benue;
-         The dominance of three tribes (Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba);
-         The prominence of Christianity, Islam and Traditional religion. Funnily, Nigeria rank third in Africa’s best economies and until recently, her national football team ranked third in Africa too.
Against this backdrop, it is expected that positions of authority be shared among all tribes of Nigeria without favouritism or maginalisation which was why it is stipulated in the Nigeria’s Supreme Constitution (Section 1 4 7) that each state of the federation produce at least a minister.
It is therefore appalling to note that the Ibos have over the years been at the back seat in terms of leadership positions in Nigeria. Yet the few positions they occupy are taken from them and given to those who already occupy most of the key positions. It is really a case of using the only chicken of a poor farmer to serve the dinner of a rich poultry farmer.
If you think I am merely inexperienced, then you really will have to explain what the new trend of replacing the Ibos –as in the case of former Inspector General of Police, INEC boss, Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria, NAFDAC boss, Chairman of PDP, Minister of Information, Chief of defense staff and NSE boss– with people from another geopolitical zone is.
As if that is not enough, the most important position post held by an Igbo in Nigeria is the Deputy President of the Senate which of course is below the first positions. Should we then say it is an oversight that South East happens to be the only geopolitical zone with five states out of the six geopolitical zones that Nigeria is divided into?
I therefore urge capable and well Ibos to rise up to the challenge and fight for their right by
-         Contributing meaningfully to the progress of the nation;
-         Making themselves credibly qualified for leadership position;
-         Vying for leadership position;
-         Making their stand known in matters that concern the nation through dialogue and most importantly
Letting love reign among themselves all in the name of ensuring that the Ibos are the better for it!
UDEH Caleb Ifeanyi
Unlimited Heroes International

Let LOVE Reign!!!

Life features love, hatred, wealth, poverty, greed, contentment, power, weakness, good, evil, simplicity, complexity and all human who has life have a quantity of each of these features. It now depends on which of them one allows to overshadow the others –though, there are factors like background, mentality, societal influence and so on that determine the prominent feature(s) in human.
Out of all these features that life entails, love convincingly proved to be the best. If we humans can then allow it (love) to be the most prominent among us, features like hatred, poverty and evil will definitely have no place.
Everything that life offers –good or bad– are all in abundance. So, the wealth is well enough to cater for everybody. No thanks to the greedy ones whose quest for either power, wealth or both has made them spit on the face of love and step on it to reach their self –centered interest at the expense of those who are at disadvantage.
It is therefore my plea that we all as human should live together in love, caring for ourselves, sharing our wealth among ourselves, lending helping hand to those in need of it and living together without class, stigma or positioning that concentrates more on our differences.
Leadership and followership should also be in the spirit of love. Having leaders with the heart of service and followers who could be relied upon to give necessary support, advice and co-operation. These in turn will be a sure way of making this world a better place!
UDEH Caleb Ifeanyi
Unlimited Heroes International