Saturday, 29 November 2014

If you've got it; Flaunt it!

Have you ever seen a cock crowing with it's head hung downwards?
Have you ever seen a non-catwalking duck?
Have you ever seen a hop-a-little fly-a-bit eagle?
Have you ever seen a dog barking in with a bedroom voice?
Have you ever seen, heard or read of a lion that roars in whispers?
Have you ever seen a healthy crawling cheetah?
Have you ever seen a non-luminous Sun?
Have you ever run short of air to breathe for a second?
Have you ever tasted a non salty ocean?
Nay, you definitely haven't and may never have an experience of such and that is because each cited example is known for showcasing what it has with pride -all things being equal.

Each being has a unique feature, an inborn trait, a distinctive quality on the inside. To every individual being, such character is instinctive and natural but for human being who has will and the power of choice, it must be exhibited deliberately and in deliberacy.

Shun pride for what you've hitherto neglected for its humble and lowly status. Suspend humility and hold your shoulders high for a good and honourable course. Don't cover up your potential with career. Never forgo your ingenuity for adaptability. Refine your divine ability, establish a quest to be the best and then advertise your expertise.

You have answers to people's questions. You have what people desire and will always long for . You have solutions to people's problems. You have impacts to make in people's lives. You have faces to brighten up with laughter.

It ranges from cute physical features to outstanding intellectual capability. From spiritual competence to moral up rightness. From good political governance to impeccable leadership quality. From academic excellence to economic breakthrough... Come on, if you've got it; flaunt it!

This is not an endorsement for indecent exposure of physical endowments and exorbitant display of pride. Moderacy and decency should be installed and kept running.
NB: #SaveSeyanu text CLINIC to 32285 for NGN30t

Thursday, 27 November 2014

Prayer for Nigeria

Dear Lord,

I want to -on behalf of our great nation Nigeria, thank you for thus far you've helped us.
Colonial masters have come and gone.
Civil war too came and we were not all consumed.
Several bloody and few peaceful elections have we experienced and to none did we loose our nationhood.
The military have shown us what they've got through their unbendable rules and Rule yet we're still standing tall.
There had been plane crashes, rail accidents, shipwrecks, and innumerable road accidents but none resulted to the death of our dear country.
Famine came but could not starve us of our natural and human resources.
Flood and other natural disasters did their worst but we were not swept away.
SARS, Ebola and other deadly diseases have paid their uncourtesy visits and we showed them the back of our hands.
Militants emerged with bitterness and we led them straight to where they can be made better.
Boko Haram seems to have come to stay but we're sure to only hear about them in books of history soon.

For our amiable President -Dr Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, I pray;
that you strengthen him at this point when all odds are up against him.
that you endow him with much more godly wisdom and knowledge.
that you direct him in the way he should go and guide him in the manner he should act.
that you grant him the ability to say NO when that is the most appropriate answer and YES when inappropriate NOs is the majority.
that you give love, honesty, selflessness, compassion and several other leadership qualities in abundance.
that you bestow on him discerning spirit so as to know the intent of those around him.

For my fellow countrymen, I pray;
that you drench us with heavy rain of love until we become a fountain thereof
that you make us ooze forgiveness in our every breath.
that you help us to respect and put in high esteem the very essence of our livelihood.
that you give us the grace to live among ourselves without strife and jealousy.
that you strengthen our cord of unity and oneness.
that you teach us to respect, support and cooperate with our leaders.
that you rebuke us when we err and go astray.
that you enable us do the right thing at the right time frame...

I'm assured of your continued care for Nigeria and for that I'm grateful.

God bless Federal republic of nigeria!!!

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Childlike Love...

Whenever I see a simple, intuitive, innocent, forgiving, unsuspicious and adventurous child, I wish he never grow into this complexity called adulthood.

A child who told "I won't play with you again" some five minutes ago for denying him a certain thing is now all over you; crying for a piggyback ride. I tell you, he definitely meant it when he "threatened" to stop playing with you. That threat could not just stand the test of love he has for you.

One amazing thing however is that this attitude is common to all children. I then begin to wonder and ask myself "since everyone was once a kid, when exactly did we run out of these enviable characters?" When did stop forgiving the ill meted out to us? When did we start suspecting our neighbours' every move?

I can't satisfactorily answer these seemingly rhetoric questions myself but I can at least inculcate some of these character even as an adult.
#Forgiveness #Love


Take it or leave it; farming in Nigeria has been largely left in the hands of our village dwellers. Worst still, only the old and very few young folks venture into this legendary career often as a last resort.

Yesterday evening, I had a one-on-one discussion with a young farmer friend and when I said I'm proud to be a farmer, he spatted "God forbid! I rebuke it for you" before I could utter a word from my surprise cum laughter ridden ajar lips, he added this amazing prayer "You'll never be so reduced as coming down to the village to farm". Issokay!

Later that evening another friend whose first farm experience was a stereotyped compulsory university practical course could not hold her disdain to herself when I told her farming is a constituent of my daily activities. All my attempts to make her understand that farming is not really bad got this polite "whatever" conclusion: "you may like farming but I don't like it AT ALL".

If you ask my candid opinion, I'll justify these my friends' reactions oh. You know why? Fine!
A farmer by Nigerians' standard, is a poor and dirty village man who produces crops. Those into animal production are rarely seen as farmers. The mental picture of a farmer that has been thus far drawn is demeaning and unattractive. They've been stigmatised far more than any other occupation (only teachers can boast to be anywhere near farmers' social status).
No other occupation is as demanding as farming. None other requires hard work as much too. God help you if you're into non-mechanised system of farming!
*On Monday, my mum wanted to go to the market with ten very big tubers of yam so I asked "Mma, how much do you intend to sell these?" She said "N3000 hopefully". She later sold it for N2500.
*A basin of Garri goes for N800!
I would have loved to give more instances of ridiculous food prices but let's restrict it to these two.
The only known occupation with the day of death of a worker as its official retirement day is farming. Nigerian farmers do not retire. There is therefore no such thing as pension. Insurance cover is more than just a luxury.

These been said, who will in his right state of mind venture into farming? Who will wish friend or family such an occupation? Who would be proud to be associated with such a low classed occupation?

But wait oh, I was told Nigeria's economy once thrived on Agriculture. Whatever happened to the cocoa plantations? Why exactly has the groundnut pyramid turn to cups and bags of groundnut? Tell me, where was the yam barns relocated to? Should I assume our palm trees were felled for their fronds? (our party members must hold brooms now). Has the cattle, goats, sheep, chicken gone wild and to the forests return? Where [I pray] can I find the mules, donkeys, oxen and the sorts?

Why has the pride of owning a small/large parcel of farmland evaporated to? Where is the honour of a husbandman whose glory is in his flock? How did the joy and savour of being a farmer go this sour? Where did we get it wrong?

Subsequent government administrations have highly rated the importance of agriculture. Economic experts are of the opinion that Agricultural sector is better able to generate revenue for the country if properly harnessed than any other sector. Nature has favourably and freely thrown itself to us with readiness to cooperate with our agricultural practices...

to be concluded later.

Sunday, 16 November 2014

Boko Haram; Likely Possibilities

Okay, I think I've been a bit too sentimental and judgemental about this Boko Haram issue but for peace, unity and progress sake, let's talk it out.

Personally, I have been able to critically identify four likely possibilities and they are as follow:
1. Boko Haram is sponsored by power drunk individuals (opposition you may call them) to discredit, frustrate and destabilise the present administration so as to gain public support and finally get into power.
2. Boko Haram is financed by corrupt government to help rubbish and torment the stronghold of the opposition thereby getting public sympathy and support so as to prolong its stay in power.
3. Boko Haram is powered by an international intruder who feels Nigeria must experience a proportionate quota of insurgency just like most countries world over.
4. Boko Haram is self reliant and doing the bidding of an illtranslated religious tenets.

It's an opinion pool so, set aside sentiment, ethnicity, religion or any dividing factor -be objective!


My subconscious asked me this four word question the first time I read the news of the death of The Munroes. While pondering on what exactly to give as an answer, some other thoughts came visiting and demand for attention as well.

One said, "do you know that one Alfa Muruf had a safe ride in a rickety Molue the day Dr Munroe died in the private jet crash?" Another one asked me to read through the condolence messages to see if anyone talked about Munroe's personal property. This I did but found none. They all commended his teachings, books, leadership quality and the sort...

See, personal property has never and will never be used as the unit for measuring achievement. Value addition and impart making are the keywords. Life is more than just amassing wealth, fame and power at the expense of others. To a large extent, it involves love, care and share.

I'll therefore suggest that you resolve to make others better and you'll be forever remembered for doing so.

RIP;  Munroes!

Ambition Over Issue of National Concern?

A President who sees nothing wrong in declaring his ambition to recontest for same position in less than 24 hours after the death of 47 students does not deserve a single vote from anyone who believes in the future.

Sincerely, Mr President's decision to still go ahead with his declaration today could only mean that he places his ambition over any other issue of national concern.

C'mon, this is not fair! If he had been killed while going to school with those wretched barefoot of his (as he claimed) some years back, will he be here talking of contesting for President?

Sir, let me promise you one thing "these blood they are shedding will judge"


On my way to Abeokuta today, a copassenger who couldn't hold his anger and frustration on how things are unfolding in this country said he'll willingly join the dreaded Boko Haram sect if they start recruiting members down South.

One would call it bluff but for the seriousness in his words. Though he wasn't really looking like someone who could hurt a fly but there's a characteristic determination in the words he spoke. If not for the distance between us, I would have asked him a few questions.

Maybe I should ask you this. "Is Boko Haram a religious, polical or ethnic crisis?"

GEJ True Supporters

Mr President, we your true supporters have seen how tired and worn out you are. We understand that you've done your bit and we sincerely appreciate your efforts. You sure have goodwill but you lack strongwill and we've seen a General that has both in abundance.

Sir, it's obviously written all over you that what you need now is rest. Unfortunately, you are surrounded mostly by sycophant and favour seekers who do not care about you or your personal life.

We love you and will not count your underperformance against you peradventure you come back. We're sure you must have learnt your lessons and garner enough strength, doggedness and strongwill to lead us. Trust me, Gen Buhari would have sanitized and quarantined most of those who made your administration this corruption-infested.

Thank you sir