Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Can't Stand Sinning Against Me, Myself and I

I can offend my mum! She'll forgive me of course...
My dad may scold me but he'll sure forgive me too...
Leave me to my friends, I'll handle them...we know how we do our things afterall!
God? Oh, He has forgiven me my sins even before the birth of my great grand father's mother!
Wow, I'm good to go then!
But, What if I offend myself? Oh come on, that's not possible...
Wait-wait-wait! It's actually possible -I can sin against my body as stated in I Cor. 6:18. (ehn...ehn...*scratching my head*). Hey, No stammering! Here's my CONCLUSION: Since fornication is the only sin against my body; I, on behalf of me, myself and I; do solemnly pledge to steer clear of sex until my marital status reads 'married'.
So help me God!