Thursday, 28 July 2011

Introduction to the "LIFETIME" Series

There are different times and seasons, each with purpose. Gracefully, God has loaded each time and season with opportunities and possibilities. He has also deliberately made each level of life higher than the previous and give us all that freedom of choosing what we will do and when we will like to do that particular thing in each created level. But "time..." notwithstanding, "...waits for no one" because God had created time in such a way that no action of man could pause, change or stop it.

We will therefore need to know how best we can make the best use of our time and opportunities. Here then is a series "LIFETIME"! Read, comment, practice applicable ones and wait for the next part of the series. God Bless You All!!!

Saturday, 16 July 2011


Technically, catalyst is a substance that is capable of starting a reaction that normally wants.
It could also be a substance that impedes or slow down a chemical reaction. Lastly, it could be substance that makes a chemical reaction faster than normal. We find these three characteristics distinctly possessed by we humans as some people spur others into action. Some naturally will discourage those who are set out to do some things for no good reason while some make people see reason why they should do certain things they have not seen thought of.

This reminded me of a day I was watching a fascinating plight some local pigeons were showing. I was so engrossed that I didn’t notice a small boy watching with rapt attention and interest as I. his action that caught my attention really got me thinking.

The domestic birds were all pecking on small insect’s grains and pebbles when I got there. Some flew and started the stunts I mentioned earlier, some were unmoved. As if the birds knew they were entertaining me, they kept on showing different flying skills that they have acquired overtimes.

I guessed the small boy who unknown to me later joined, thought the unmoved birds could also show their flying skills and so, he decided to help them discover something special in them.

He did this by throwing pebbles at them and as one would expect, some flew but disappointingly, about three ended up running on their feet when the boy won’t stop throwing pebbles at them. THREE GREAT LESSONS HERE!

So many people possess talents that they are aware of but need someone to encourage them. Though, it is advisable to always wait for people’s encouragement but these set of people just need it and it takes a “catalyst” to give them that. It is a known fact someone who did averagely okay, when encouraged will do better next time.

On the other hand, certain people possess qualities that could only be seen or made obvious by a “catalyst”. In such cases, those possessing such qualities may not even what they possess for example, someone who could make you say the truth on matter how implicating such truth is by asking few questions some formal training as criminal investigating department suite that person the most.

We cannot but talk about some people whose nature is to discourage people from trying new things. They never believe in new ideas as their old ways seem best for them. We could classify the three remaining pigeons that were later joined by few others, under this category. They did not want to fulfill any purpose and were determined to stop others from doing so. This category is not a good one! Don’t associate with them or they will ground you.

Few examples of “catalyst” that I look up to include Timilehin Adigun of MINE MAGAZINE whose inspiring magazine has helped me and thousands of people in more ways than one. Fela Durotoye is a motivational speaker and brain behind several inspiring and innovative programmes.
Mike and Gloria Bamiloye are actor and actress respectively. They are also scriptwriters, producers, directors of great gospel films. They also preach and motivate people with their movies, drawing many to God and helping many others firmly take their stand in their faith. Oreofe Williams is also a scriptwriter, producer, director, motivational speaker – young, vibrant and dynamic. Oreofe through his movie ministry has tremendously helped youth in staying focused also in doggedly pursuing their dreams with God’s backing.

I said earlier, this is just few examples of hundreds of people putting in their best to ensure that everybody they come across know the purpose(s). Your name could be enlisted among these great people if only you dedicated yourself first to God, Jesus Christ, and Holy Spirit (Who will direct your path) and then to helping others whose dreams when fulfilled will make this world a better place and most importantly, increase the inhabitants of heaven.

Wonders of Praise in Warfare

There are battles of life that prayers, fasting or giving cannot fight. Such battles could only be fought by/with PRAISE! Just as in the case of Paul and Silas, their prayers might not have shook the foundation of the prison; their fasting may only make them weak; their giving might be mistaken for bribery but trust PRAISE -it could only be PRAISE!


‎"'Wisdom' is the right application of knowledge and 'Knowledge' is the sum total of experiences gathered from God, people, animals, places and things. On the other hand, 'Foolishness' is the wrong application of knowledge or the celebration of ignorance".

"A great vision not pursued to fulfillment is less than a mere wish"

"Things impossible in the past became possible today because of someone’s creative thought. Keep thinking!!!"



"The POSITION you occupy TODAY is as a result of the FUNCTIONS you gave SOLUTIONS to YESTERDAY"

"You may regain a lost opportunity by parting with time and resources. Most often, lost opportunity can never be regained. So, make optimal use of your opportunities while they last"

"There can never be a thing as annoying as when someone who is largely at fault claims he or she needs an apology"

"Ignorance of existing LAWS do not stand as an excuse for its negligence. Sinners therefore could not be found where there are no laws"

"Life is a misery: it is full of contrast, good and bad, fair could only be achieved when good is more than bad"

"When a rose formerly cherished becomes unloved, its thorns become unavoidably obvious"

"The success or failure of a generation is therefore due to what input have been made into the society by those who feature in such generation”

"Do not look down on anyone, you might not meet people's standard yourself"

"When you try to please everyone, you will end up pleasing no one! Unlike God, men cannot be pleased!"

"...I've not even started, why should I think that I've arrive?"

"The enemies you have from your mother's womb till date are far more than twice the number of friends you have during same period, why make more enemies? ...follow peace with everybody you come across!"

"Destiny is the sum total of all one can be!"

Wednesday, 13 July 2011


Every individual at a point in life dreams of becoming someone of importance. “To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.” Continuing, Anatole France said “Dreams are like stars… you may never touch them, but if you follow them they will lead you to your destiny.” Fortunately for some, they are able to realize their dreams and on the flip side, it’s unfortunate that some could not. Many factors could help make or mare ones dreams. One of such factors is, knowing what exactly it is you want and sticking to it.
He has a dream that one day; he will be so honourable that his family members will bow at his feet. He was sold out by his brothers to the chief of defense staff of another country. Even though he never knew how that his dream will come to pass, he held on to it, reminded himself all the time and made hard work, loyalty, self discipline and focus his watchword.
Joseph might see the opportunity given to him by his master’s wife as a way of fulfilling his dream. How? Okay, I’ll tell you. Joseph is the heir presumptuous to Potiphar and could inherit him in no time, if only he accepts his master’s wife’s proposal. He may have to marry an older woman, but that does not matter so long he is wealthy and as a rich man in control of soldiers, he could besiege his country home and force his family to bow to him thus fulfilling his dream –so to say. But, he knew perfectly well what he wanted and remained unwaivered.
On the other hand, Gehazi dreamt of possessing four times the power of Elijah. He was to succeed Elisha and so stand the chance of getting twice his (Elisha) anointing but thought he could start his own ministry big if he collects and store the riches that had been rejected by his master. Unfortunately, that single act thwarted his dream and he was never able to do any exploit.
Joseph was able to identify his dream –even if it seems rather too great to be true- stuck to it and got it fulfilled. Gehazi on his part had a more assuring dream but was swept off his feet by greed and complacency. His dream? It remained a mere dream or better sill –a fantasy, nothing more.
So, “keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe.” Gail Devers. Be aware that the fulfillment of your dreams is solely dependent on your choices, decisions and actions. Carefully decide to fulfill those great dreams and do everything lawful to make them a reality.


“Corruption” is not in any way a strange word. Just like the air, it is everywhere but if you think it started few years back, then read this story that my mother told me.
About five to six decades ago, there used to be sanitation monitoring group in my mother’s village. Their mandate (though funny but paramount) is to check houses and their surroundings, kitchen and kitchenettes, rooms and apartments; they also have the power to inspect pots and its content. Food exposed unhealthily are thrown away and trampled upon. This helped them a lot in living healthy.
When she married my father, she had to relocate. The monitoring groups were there in our village as expected but with different motive. When they come for what was supposed to be inspection, the men of the village will contribute yam tubers, goat and some other farm produce. The women on their part will see to their hospitality. After all, they will go without doing anything near their mission of upholding cleanness and healthy living.
Now we know from this ‘true life story’ that corruption is an age long habit! It is now up to us to fight it, with all we could. Why should I want to stop what have been in existence even before my great grandfather?
But for corruption, why will a small child expect that you leave the change that he/she got after buying all you sent him/her? A teenage girl felt cheated and complained “they did not even help us” when I asked her how her exam was. It means she expected to be helped normally –imagine! What will you say of a contractor who bought material at lower rate compared to what was shown in his quotation. Not because of his bargaining power but because the materials are substandard after considering the amount he had spent lobbying for the contract. How has all these concern me?
For a very long time, we had longed for credible leaders. We all want good living conditions, isn’t it? But is that what we get? We will continue wishing that we have better leaders and trustworthy followers if we do not start the process ourselves. Dr. Norman Vincent Peale said “…I am the most difficult person with whom I have worked”. Honestly work on yourself and let me do the same. How?
Start with common but avoidable corrupt practices. You do not need tell lie to cover up your shortcoming after all, why should wait till you start exam before you ask your friend that question? You can give that applicant the job without asking for anything in return. Must you break traffic rules to meet up an appointment? Don’t you think others have the same thought with you “they cannot come so early, why should I be the one waiting for everyone else?” Yes it is true that your income is nothing to write home about, but you accepted it and so have to do what you are paid for with your entire mind even if no one appreciates.
If you do not know, I am privileged to tell you that the Pacific Ocean is made up of tiny droplets of water. Why not do your bit and let me do mine. I promise you will be amazed by the result.